How to cancel your Direct Debit payment with supplier?

You can cancel your Direct Debit payments quickly and easily in the Pockit app or in your web account.

Here's how to cancel a Direct Debit using the Pockit app:

  1. Log in to your Pockit app.
  2. Tap on the "More" tab at the bottom of the screen
  3. Tap "Direct Debits"
  4. Tap on a Direct Debit from the active Direct Debit mandates section
  5. Tap "Cancel Direct Debit" to cancel all future payments.

This cannot be undone, which means you will have to set up a Direct Debit again should you change your mind in the future.


Bear in mind that you’ll need to cancel a Direct Debit at least one full day before it’s due to leave your account, otherwise it might still go through.

If the company's tried to take this payment before and failed, there’s a chance this can still be taken as a recollection payment if they think you owe them money.